Monday, September 14, 2009

Krazy Kanye

I am, or should I say "was" a fan of Kanye West. While his obnoxious out-bursts did get on my nerves, I was willing to just "move-on" because I enjoyed his music. However, his antics at last nights MTV Video Awards went way beyond O.O.C., even for Kanye's standards.

It's one thing to have an opinion, and it's another to get up on stage and act like a complete ass. Taylor Swift won the award fair and square. The awards are based on popular vote, meaning fans voted for the winners. I think Kanye conveniently over looked that. I agree that Beyonce's video rocks, but THE VOTERS, think otherwise. Hey Krazy...this is why people VOTE.

I felt very sorry for Taylor Swift. Her moment was ruined, and she will never get it back. I am pleased Beyonce tried to fix it, but her moment will be forever shadowed by "Krazy's" antics. If that were me up on that stage I would have given him a swift kick in the ass and told him to get the "F" off of my stage!

I would like to take this Freedom of Speech moment and pose this question. What if the tables were turned? What if Beyonce would have won, and someone like Justin Timberlake would have gotten up on stage and done the same thing, Krazy did? I would probably bet it would have been turned into a mega race issue. I can see Al Sharpton and the gang getting in front of every news affiliate camera demanding an apology and calling for a ban of the MTV Awards due to racism.

I am appalled that the producers of the show did not ask Kanye to leave. Why is Krazy Kanye allowed to continue with such behavior? I read one blog that sited Kanye as "being on the Hennesy"...ok, being intoxicated is still no excuse for what he did. Maybe he was trying to impress Beyonce? I remember one year Axl Rose was obliterated, and began shouting profanities about Motley Crue. They immediately cut off his acceptance speech and went straight to a commercial. But not Krazy...the network didn't dare cut him off. It's sick, and I'm sick of the double standard.

I love how Krazy issued an "immediate apology" on his blog. Uh, Ok...I'm sure half the people that were watching his ridiculous behavior, don't even read his blog. And, why issue an apology. If he didn't mean what he said, he wouldn't have done it in the first place. That whole, "issue an apology" is just a stupid PR thing that even further disgusts me. Krazy needs some serious therapy, and quite possibly needs some serious medication. Here is Krazy's doesn't sound much like an apology to me. IT sounds like a manic outburst: "I'm sooooo sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom. I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would've said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and she's in the bleachers! I'm in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment!" West wrote.

"Beyonce's video was the best of this decade!!!! I'm sorry to my fans if I let you guys down!!!! I'm sorry to my friends at MTV. I will apologize to Taylor 2mrw. Welcome to the real world!!!! Everybody wanna booooo me but I'm a fan of real pop culture!!! No disrespect but we watchin' the show at the crib right now cause ... well you know!!!! I'm still happy for Taylor!!!! Boooyaaawwww!!!! You are very very talented!!! I gave my awards to Outkast when they deserved it over me ... That's what it is!!!!!!! I'm not crazy y'all, i'm just real. Sorry for that!!! I really feel bad for Taylor and I'm sincerely sorry!!! Much respect!!!!!"

On, one final note, why the hell is Krazy trying to look like P-Diddy? Just another reason he is