Thursday, April 30, 2009

When Pigs Fly

It seems everyone is freaking out about the Swine Flu. I don’t know if it is more disturbing that this “pandemic” has been blown completely out of proportion, or that the federal government wants everyone to refer to it as the N1H1 virus. According to the “big G” calling it Swine Flu is insensitive to the pigs.

Perhaps I am just not over excited about the Swine Flu. If people just stick some basic hygiene and common sense practices, then there isn’t anything to worry about. Nearly 22,000 people die per year from Influenza, better known as “The Flu”. That injection that we all get suckered into every fall is supposed to protect us from the newest strain of the virus, but most of the time one will end up getting a strain that wasn’t covered in the shot.

What about all those people in Mexico that have died from the Swine… I mean...N1H1 virus? In my opinion people have also forgotten that Mexico is not the most developed country on the planet, and their healthcare system isn’t known for being extraordinary.

When I think of the Mexican Healthcare System, I think of black market drugs (you know, the stuff that requires a prescription in the US, but you can by with some cash and no Rx in Mexico), and cheap gastric by-pass and lap-band surgery. That’s right, if you have cash, you can get whatever you want in Mexico. Furthermore, Mexico isn’t exactly known for its strict regulations when it comes to protecting its people.

Does everyone also realize that when someone goes to the bathroom and doesn’t wash their hands, they end up spreading their fecal matter...aka...their poop…onto whatever they touch? Then, when you touch what they have touched, you get that same poop on your hands. After that, when you go eat your lunch, or open your soda can, or bite your finger nails (which is another blog subject that I will save for a later day), then you put their poop in your mouth. Isn’t that great? That’s how most people contract e-coli and other nasty bacteria that could kill them. But where is the big news story regarding that?

So, our infectious disease lesson for the day is: WASH YOUR HANDS, and don’t go kissing on the pigs!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tip O' the Day

I am always looking for ways to save a few dollars. I was recently introduced to the most fabulous industry of re-sale and consignment shops. I knew that they existed, but I never shopped at one until recently. WOW…big $$$$$ savings to be found in these stores.

Has anyone else noticed how expensive it is to eat carry out food these days? We started doing the carryout thing instead of dining in at the restaurants just to save a few extra dollars. I’m not cheap or anything, but if I can save $5 or $10 dollars by cutting out the tip, then that is $5 or $10 extra dollars I have in my wallet.

However, I have recently had some disturbing experiences with the whole carry out thing. It seems like everyone wants a tip for everything these days. We placed a “curbside” to-go order the other night, and I went to pick it up. When I got there, I handed the girl my debit card. When I looked at the receipt I noticed there was a “tip” line. I, of course, put $0.00. I didn’t think the girl deserved a tip for handing me a bag of food. Besides, it wasn’t like they actually even brought it out to my car; I went in and picked it up. Plus, that was the whole point of carry out, was saving money on the tip.

I handed the receipt back to her, and she looked at me with intense disgust. How dare I not tip her 15%? I looked at her and said, “Is something wrong?”

I understand everyone wants to make a few extra dollars here and there, but normally, people WORK for tips, they are not EXPECTED. Trust me, I use to be a waitress, I know the pain of working your ass off to please your customer and they leave you a crappy tip. And, I am not one of those calculating customers. If someone does a really good job, I give them a really good tip. The calculating customers were the best. I loved it when they busted out the calculator. Heaven forbid they give me 1-penny over 15% or 20%. And, even as a RN, I have had many patients want to give me tips; which is really funny, because it’s my job to take care of them. I’m not going to take any better or worse care of them if they “tip”me. They could never understand why I wouldn’t take the tip. I tried to explain the whole “…because it’s my job to take care of you” concept, but it ultimately came down to me telling them it was illegal just to get them off my back. I did appreciate the gesture though.

I just have a really hard time tipping someone who doesn’t do anything to earn it. I think the coffee tenders are the worse. I mean if they make me a Grande CafĂ© Mocha Slim Jim Double with whipped cream, then yes, I will gladly give them $1 for putting the steamer in the cup and stirring it after they added all the necessary ingredients, even though my 6-year-old daughter could probably do the same thing. BUT, I am not going to give them an extra penny for pouring me a cup of coffee out of a pot, and handing it to me.

Is anyone else annoyed by this, or is it just my hormones raging out of control again?