It's good to be back. Thanks to all of you who have followed along my journey through life, and have now continued on. I hope you are not disappointed, although I don't think you will be.

Yesterday started out like any normal morning in my house. Everyone rushing around to get ready because none of us are morning people. I ever so carefully walk out to the garage, as there is still tons of frozen snow. Mother Nature shovels our snow for us, and she just hasn't gotten around to it yet, so the backyard is an accident waiting to happen.
As I start my car I try to open the garage door so I don't kill anyone with the carbon monoxide. But, it's stuck....that darn Mother Nature. I yell out to James that he will actually have to use that thing with the handle on it, called a shovel to get the garage open.
During the interim, I decide I will also start the Jeep for James (I'm soo sweet aren't I?) I was so caught up in my own sweetness that I forget to shut the gait behind me....this is where it gets interesting.
Our wonderful Siberian Husky, Aspen, decided to sneak out the gait that I had just left open for her. I was still thinking about how nice and sweet I was when I noticed the gait was open. I look down the back alley and there is Aspen running as if she is in the Alaskan back country pulling a sled with her brothers and sisters.
The ONE thing Husky dog owners will tell you is....NEVER, NEVER LET A HUSKY OFF THEIR LEASH...THEY WON'T COME BACK. These dogs are born to pull sleds...forever and ever.
I freak out and start screaming like the aliens have arrived from outer space and our perched above our home. I run, yes run, on the ice covered sidewalk back into the house to grab the leash and James. I guess he doesn't believe in aliens, or didn't get too excited because he kind of looked at me like I was crazy. With that, my pregnant, raging hormones kick in,my eyes to red, and my head does a 360...but only once.
I take of running....yes, running down the icy alley yelling for Aspen. I catch her with the Beagle about a block down. She starts to run toward me, and I think, "Oh, well this is easy". At the last second she makes a quick move to the left. I go after her. She stops. I stop. We stare each other down. She then starts to run past me again. I think to myself, "Jodi, it's now or never!"
As she is running toward me I get into football mode. Hey, I use to be a cheerleader for's the same thing, trust me. Everything seemed to go in slow motion from this point. Aspen is getting closer...she fakes right..she fakes left...and I make a spectacular dive, grabbing her around her torso. YES!!! I AM VICTORIOUS! I am also 17 weeks pregnant.
As I look up from the bank of snow, I have just tackled my dog in, I see James WALKING across the street with the leash. He says, "Nice dive...but you need to remember to shut the gait behind you when you go out of it!" For real...I think my head spun around 10 times. I just made the most spectacular tackle. It was probably better than anything you would see on a high-light real.
I spent the rest of the day hooked onto a Toco (not Taco..although that woud have been just as lovely) monitor and Fetal Heart Monitor. I'm sure Junior was really excited to go on that journey with me, but it will be a great story to tell him (or her) when she is older. "Yes, your mother is rock star with football-like capabilities, and you father is slow and doesn't get excited about anything." Love is bliss!

Yesterday started out like any normal morning in my house. Everyone rushing around to get ready because none of us are morning people. I ever so carefully walk out to the garage, as there is still tons of frozen snow. Mother Nature shovels our snow for us, and she just hasn't gotten around to it yet, so the backyard is an accident waiting to happen.
As I start my car I try to open the garage door so I don't kill anyone with the carbon monoxide. But, it's stuck....that darn Mother Nature. I yell out to James that he will actually have to use that thing with the handle on it, called a shovel to get the garage open.
During the interim, I decide I will also start the Jeep for James (I'm soo sweet aren't I?) I was so caught up in my own sweetness that I forget to shut the gait behind me....this is where it gets interesting.

The ONE thing Husky dog owners will tell you is....NEVER, NEVER LET A HUSKY OFF THEIR LEASH...THEY WON'T COME BACK. These dogs are born to pull sleds...forever and ever.
I freak out and start screaming like the aliens have arrived from outer space and our perched above our home. I run, yes run, on the ice covered sidewalk back into the house to grab the leash and James. I guess he doesn't believe in aliens, or didn't get too excited because he kind of looked at me like I was crazy. With that, my pregnant, raging hormones kick in,my eyes to red, and my head does a 360...but only once.
I take of running....yes, running down the icy alley yelling for Aspen. I catch her with the Beagle about a block down. She starts to run toward me, and I think, "Oh, well this is easy". At the last second she makes a quick move to the left. I go after her. She stops. I stop. We stare each other down. She then starts to run past me again. I think to myself, "Jodi, it's now or never!"
As she is running toward me I get into football mode. Hey, I use to be a cheerleader for's the same thing, trust me. Everything seemed to go in slow motion from this point. Aspen is getting closer...she fakes right..she fakes left...and I make a spectacular dive, grabbing her around her torso. YES!!! I AM VICTORIOUS! I am also 17 weeks pregnant.
As I look up from the bank of snow, I have just tackled my dog in, I see James WALKING across the street with the leash. He says, "Nice dive...but you need to remember to shut the gait behind you when you go out of it!" For real...I think my head spun around 10 times. I just made the most spectacular tackle. It was probably better than anything you would see on a high-light real.
I spent the rest of the day hooked onto a Toco (not Taco..although that woud have been just as lovely) monitor and Fetal Heart Monitor. I'm sure Junior was really excited to go on that journey with me, but it will be a great story to tell him (or her) when she is older. "Yes, your mother is rock star with football-like capabilities, and you father is slow and doesn't get excited about anything." Love is bliss!

You crack me up!!